Citation-based life science data on the research antibody market is used by reagent vendors and investment companies to help make more informed decisions and power important market research.
We have been collecting market data for over ten years, collating information on antibody company share trends, antibody market size, leading research antibody products and more.
We’ve curated antibody data on top antibody manufacturers, niche specialists, and everyone in between. This data covers Abcam (ABCM), Cell Signaling Technology, MilliporeSigma (MRK), Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO), Proteintech and Bio-Techne (TECH), to name just a few vendors.
Understand the leading and growing research antibody product types in the market, with our database spanning the monoclonal and polyclonal antibody markets, recombinant antibody market, conjugated antibodies, validated antibodies and more.
Drill down into where products are used. Our data can give insight into the specific institutions, research groups, research areas and diseases that are using the most antibodies or seeing interesting trends.
Discover more data analysis on the blog.
Tap into the most comprehensive and accurate antibody database to help inform your strategy and business development, pipeline and validation and sales and marketing.
Better inform your investment decisions and the service you provide to your clients by utilising custom datasets to answer specific questions or accessing the complete database for ongoing analysis.
Chat to the team to learn more about partnering with us to grow your business.
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Jonathan Baron
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