Use our citation-based experimental models data to make more informed business decisions and power your global market research.
Our database covers cell lines and primary cells, tissues, tissue arrays, lysates and animal models, stem cells, and more to facilitate granular analysis into the experimental models market.
Insights into the leading and up-and-coming suppliers can be extracted from this database, covering the likes of: ATCC, Sciencell, Lonza (LONN), Abcam (ACBM) and Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO).
Gather data on the research areas and diseases popular for cell lines and research models, as well as the influential research institutions, groups and countries operating in this market.
Discover more data analysis on the blog.
Tap into the most comprehensive and accurate experimental models database to help inform your strategy and business development, pipeline and validation and sales and marketing.
Better inform your investment decisions and the service you provide to your clients by utilising custom datasets to answer specific questions or accessing the complete database for ongoing analysis.
Chat to the team to learn more about partnering with us to grow your business.
Get in touch with us
Rhys Bowen-Morris
Jonathan Baron
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