Searching 7,797,022 antibodies, with 4,772,230 citations from 386 suppliers.
Accelerate your growth with CiteAb life science data. We partner with reagent suppliers, publishers, biotech/biopharma and research institutes, investment companies and other scientific platforms.
We identify and understand how life science research reagents are used in the scientific literature. This high quality data powers our reagent search engine, a completely unbiased, free-to-use search tool that fundamentally changes the way you find reagents that work.
Search the most complete life science reagent database. We only rank results by citations, so nobody can pay to be at the top of your search query
A decade of data collection and improvement means you can easily evaluate peer reviewed citations, published images, experimental information and more
Go directly to the supplier website to continue evaluation and purchase your chosen product
Search across the most complete life science research reagent database, covering six reagent types.
Including recombinant antibodies, monoclonal & polyclonal antibodies, primary & secondary antibodies and more.
Including carbohydrates, peptides, bioactive small molecules, buffers, dyes, lipids and more.
Including ELISA kits, multiplex immunoassay kits, detection/staining kits, conjugation/labelling kits and more.
Including enzymes, growth factors, binding proteins like streptavidin, protein mixtures like bovine serum and more.
The CiteAb reagent search engine is trusted by leading Universities, Research Institutes and Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology companies from across the globe to find reagents for their life science research.
Researchers, streamline your projects by licensing CiteAb reagent data for internal use. Reduce reagent waste by efficiently selecting the right products, power innovation by spotting gaps in disease research and save time by rapidly populating your ELNS, internal databases and more!
Get in touch with us
Rebecca Sadler
Chris Taylor
Find out more about our all-in-one solution to support your research, taking the power of our reagent search engine to the next level.
The high quality research reagent data that powers our search engine can also be used in many ways to help grow your business.
Reagent suppliers, publishers, investment companies and those in the reagent sector interested in integrations, learn more about how we can work together!
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